Sunday 5-May-2024
16.3 C
Frankfurt am Main

Innovative Index-Linked Products

PodcastsInnovative Index-Linked Products

Anthony Ginsberg speaks about innovative index-linked products that are normally mapped in ETFs. He reports on the US election, the pandemic and the Dow Jones breakthrough at a record high of 30,000.

Anthony GinsbergĀ is the co-creator of The HAN-GINS Cloud Technology UCITS ETF (SKYY), HAN-GINS Tech Megatrend Equal Weight UCITS ETF and HAN-GINS Indxx Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF.Ā He is the Managing Director of GinsGlobal Investment Management, a global asset management company offering a broad range of innovative index-linked products, for both retail and institutional investors. GinsGlobal designs index products for a number of leading financial institutions, including global insurers, banks and asset managers. GinsGlobal was founded in 2000 and has operations in North America, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific.


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These podcast episodes are also available on Spotify, Amazon, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast and Deezer.